Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Fun for Kids at Your Wedding

Children are a bundle of joy, but they can also be the total opposite when they feel their needs are not being met. If having kids at your wedding is part of your vision, it is essential that small details to cater for them are not thrown aside to be planned at the last minute. A fussy child equals fussy parents/guests and so greater focus should be placed on how to keep them happy and entertained at your wedding

For starters, children can be seated with their age group by having a children's table which is beautifully decorated with balloons, sweets and a blend of different colours. Their fascination in these alluring displays would stir up a desire in them to sit at the table. 

Consider giving age appropriate gift bags containing toys and other trinkets. Word to the wise - give all the boys the same toy and do the same for the girls. Giving the gift bags more meaning by personalizing them for each child is also another option. 

via Wedbits
One important factor that should not be overlooked is planning a menu for the children. Kids are more into simple foods such as chicken nuggets, fish sticks, burgers and french fries. Planning a plain menu for the kids, that fits their needs, is definitely the way to go. Ensuring that the kids are served first is also essential as children tend to be more impatient and fussy than adults when it comes on to hunger. 

via Pink Orchid Weddings
Another great option is to provide an entertainment area/room for the children. Activities such as games and face painting would be available to them to keep them entertained especially during the presentation of toasts which is usually when kids tend to get restless. 

Here are some other tips or ideas to make it all fun:
1.  Forego the fancy tablecloth at the kids' table
2.  Set up a 'Kids Only' tent
3.  Hire a Nanny to take care of all their needs
4.  Have a video game station
5.  Include a kids' photo booth
6.  Schedule a kids only time on the dance floor
7.  Rent a bounce-a-bout
8.  Have them complete a jigsaw puzzle of your engagement photo

Tidbit: The Jamaican colloquial term for child is 'Pickney' pronounced /'Pik-ni'/

As always, happy planning!

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